Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week of August 5th, 2011 - Menu Planning

As fate would have it, the calendar and my MIL put a wrench in my menu planning plans...all in good ways though!  Not only did the hubby and I get an extra weekend day but the MIL bought a pressure cooker! (She bought a Cuisineart Pressure Cooker from Bed Bath and Beyond) It looks oh so like a little R2D2.  So yesterday, being a holiday and all, we had to try out the new cooking tool.  She picked the menu, and did all the prep work, I just had to make sure nothing exploded.  She made a recipe from the book that came with the machine -- Mediterranean Brisket along with a Kale Salad and an Indian Potato/Bean dish.  I forgot to take pictures, and I could only really pick out the potatoes from the Indian dish so not a lot of commentary from my end but everyone seemed to enjoy the meal a great deal and it looked delicious.  

So the menu planning for this week starts today (not for tonight, there are plenty of leftovers from last night) for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (Shabbat).  I got to go the Farmers' Market on Sunday (YAY!) so a lot of my dishes are based on the goods I bought from there.  

Very Vegetable Gumbo (from Fresh From the Vegetarian Slow Cooker by Robin Robertson), I'm adding Eggplant to the recipe for even more vegetables.

Baked Tofu
Chicken Apple Sausage
Brown Rice

Roasted Beet Salad (My own recipe)

Cedar Planked Salmon with Maple Glaze
Left over Brown Rice

Friday aka. Shabbat!

Creamy Asparagus Soup
Left over Gumbo and Salmon for me
Zucchini Angel Hair Pancake
Chicken Dish (TBD - I can't find the cookbook I want to use, so when and if I find it I'll let you know).  

Left Overs Galore. 

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