Friday, October 29, 2010

My Kitchen

I am in love with my kitchen.  

We didn't always have the strong and loving relationship we have today. We fought constantly! If it wasn't the dull knives it was the f-ugly counters.  And well, cooking a meal was more of a chore than a delight.  But with a lot of work and compromise (Painting the cabinets to match the counters instead of replacing the counters: $50 and time vs. $1000)  we've become the strong, patient pair we are today.  Here are a few of the reasons I can safely say my kitchen and I are a match made in heaven:

1. My Organization System (I know its a little extreme, but it helps me and saves money so that I don't have to keep tossing expired goods or buying duplicates of things I already have!)

I know where everything is and can access it easily and instantly.  I bought a bunch of metal containers from a wholesale container shop online.  $50 (including shipping), 50 canisters from and some labels later my spices are uniform, alphabetized and preserved.

I bought a few acrylic, airtight canisters from Bed Bath and Beyond to hold my flowers, sugars, grains, anything loose and labeled them.  

Finally, a few absolutely remarkable devises that make cooking a pleasure instead of a chore.  I know that most people are not getting married and have the opportunity to register for some of these remarkable tools like I did.  But, as Ferris Bueller said about the 1961 Ferrari two-fift GT California, these things are, "So choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking [them] up. 

1. KithenAid Stand Mixer: It makes baking anything and everything that much easier.  With its extra attachments like a dough hook and wire whip its the best thing since sliced bread.

2. Good Knives: I recently got a few global knives they are sharper then sharp so be careful but they truly make slicing, chopping ,etc. easy and a delight. 

3. Non-Stick Pots and Pans:  I don't have a gas stove, I would love one, but I live in an apartment and thus, do not.  That said with some high quality pots and pans like All-Clad's (I know I sound like an advertisement but I mean every word), it still cooks everything evenly and thoroughly.  It's amazing what you don't know your missing till you get it.

4. A Bad-Arse CuisineArt:  Like the KitchenAid it makes cooking a faster and easier process.  I've used mine for soup, juice, slicing, you name it.  Its great.

There are loads more tools that I love to use.  You'll have to experiment and see what brings you joy and alleviates angst, these are my faves.

1 comment:

  1. I love stainless steel cookware. I found a great website that has numerous brands at all different price levels. It's Take a look, I think you will be pleasantly surprised! The have cookware sets as well as other items for the kitchen.
